Now in our tenth year, Dance Camp Northwest is creatively based on the hugely successful Dance New England which began 43 years ago to birth and nurture the ecstatic, free, and barefoot dances peppering the planet today. We join the movement toward creating dance camps to serve, deepen and evolve humanity by interweaving our tribal roots into one earth community.
Camp is best when we are all actively participating, so please share your time, talents, and passions in as many ways as possible!
Dance Camp Northwest 2025 is Monday, June 30th to Saturday, July 5th!
Do you have an offering you’d like to share at Dance Camp Northwest 2025?
Dance Camp is sponsored by Dance Collective Northwest, a 501c3 Washington State Non-Profit
-- a volunteer-run, creative collective of people who love to move.
We emphasize:
efforts that co-create community
respect for differences among individuals and cultures
empowerment of children, elders,
and all community membersacknowledgement that our bodies and environment
are amazing and sacreda free, safe and respectful environment for
self-expressionnonviolence and creative conflict resolution
acknowledgement of the contributions we each make
to our community
Volunteerism is our primary resource: our members will contribute hundreds of people-hours to co-create Camp and make it a treasure. More than just a vacation, it's a community in which you are invited to participate in any way you can. We can't do it without each other. Many hands make light work. Work together for a common goal is satisfying, fun, and connects us to others in new ways! Work together makes camp affordable and available to a diverse community of fantastic folks.
Please contact us if you are interested in joining a committee.
Watch the video above to get a taste of what happens at Dance Camp Northwest.
The way we decide will greatly determine what we decide. Dance Camp Northwest is committed to maximizing inclusion, power-equivalence, transparency, brilliance and happiness.
The Board act as the governing members of Dance Collective Northwest, whose purpose is to aid, support, and assist dance communities and its participants through the promotion of accessibility, sustainability, collaboration and growth.
In service to Dance Camp, representing the voice of the whole community, they create policy and program, build the budget, select the CCG, PC, Registrar, Cook, Bookkeeper, Camp Manager, and do long-term visioning and planning. If you know someone appropriate for the board, please talk to folks connected to the process, or email your nomination, including why you think this person would be appropriate for the position. Board members are expected to be involved with other aspects of camp and meet regularly. Their expenses for meetings may be covered and they receive a free camp for each year they serve.
Camp Coordinating Group (CCG) members work for two years in several committees. They get lots of hands-on organizing experience, free camp for each year they serve, plus an extra free camp after they complete their two year term. They are selected by the board in consultation with the community.
Peace Council The Peace Council deepens the safety, love, and power of camp and campers. Council members are available to resolve conflict, offer workshops to the camp, and make policy proposals to the board. Most Peace Council members have therapy, healing, conflict resolution, or social work experience. The Peace Council works with non-PC therapists and healers, and others in the community, as needed to make camp safe, deep, and joyful. Read the full details under “Peace Council”.